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Jiangyan Gu, LMT

Ms. Linda Jiangyan Gu is a board-certified Neuromuscular Massage Therapist practicing in Bellevue, Washington. As a retired U.S. Army Veteran, she is passionate about lymphatic drainage and injury rehabilitation.   Ms. Gu is proficient in Human Anatomy and Physiology of Lymphatic System, which allow her to tailor her care to individual patient.  Ms. Gu is committed to delivering her patients with customized treatment plans and best care.


  1. Our clients feel satisfied and recommend us to family and friends.

  2. Our community sees us as a positive resource for physical and mental health.

  3. Our medical professionals prefer us for their patients.


Our Clients Say


"I recently had a tummy tuck and liposuction. My plastic surgeon recommended that I get specialized massages, specifically lymphatic drainage to decrease the massive amount of swelling that occurs after a tummy tuck. I found Linda on the Internet and saw she had the credentials I was looking for. To my shock, amazement, and complete joy, I had complete relief after the very first session. I came home and it was as if an enormous blockage was removed from my system and I felt relaxed, pain free, and like "myself" again. I have continued my work with Linda for over a month and find that I keep getting better and better. Linda also addressed scar tissue that was hardening in the sections where I had liposuction. She was able to work those out and now those areas are soft and pliable.
I feel like the world should know that if you are going to have a tummy tuck, you need to see Linda to experience the full effects and benefits of the surgery and to prevent any possible problems.
There is a famous Zig Ziglar quote that says "No one cares how much you know until they know how much you care." Caring is Linda's specialty. She makes you feel that HER satisfaction is getting YOU well.
I've never had such a positive and amazing experience as I am having with Linda."

Diane Jarmolow

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